
Hi! I'm Emelia and I am Mom to 3 amazingly unique kiddos:

My older son is almost 10, energetic, dry humored, passionate about all things Star Wars and has been recently been quite taken with poop emojis 💩😌

My daughter is 5, loves pink and yellow, makes pretend checklists in her little notebooks, has an iron will I recognize a bit too well and is an absolute ball of joy that never stops moving. She also is my fearless leader when we hike.

My younger son is 3 and like his sister never stops moving! He is tenacious, loves chickens 🐔 and puzzles, eats all veggies on his plate first and has perfected that cheeky little smile that lets you know something bad is coming 😉.

Each of them are delightfully different yet the all have somthing in common. They all have Autism (or ASD). They all are high functioning but they all have challenges that we face daily. Schools and teachers know me pretty well by the end of school years! IEP, visuals routines and physical input are in my regular vocabulary. Some may think having all of my children diagnosed with Autism is a curse, but I am coming to accept it as an honor. I was given them because I can handle it! I have my days like any mom of young kids (though I expect a bit amplified!), but we have more good days than bad. My goal as their mom is to not let ASD define them as individuals but to embrace their strengths while coping with the "quirks". When they go to bed at night I want them to know they are loved just as they are.


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